Academic activities and impairment

This post considers some of the activities that that are undertaken by students in classroom and online environments, and considers which disabled persons (based on impairment types) might be most affected by the format in which those activities take place. [OU 4.1/4.3]

The clearest differences that I identify (between classroom and online methods) are in the curriculum delivery activities.  The common activities tend to be relating to: communication, the application of academic skills, and in producing output from which to demonstrate learning.


The style of grouping activities by type, and of linking to impairments, borrows from the SCIPS website:

Inaccessible materials and activities are equally disabling whether delivered in person or online.  One feature of well designed digital content is that it can be prepared in accessible formats for direct access, or be designed to be suitable for assistive technology.  Of course this presupposes that online learners have appropriate IT resources with which to access the online content.

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